Section 4 Practice Exam – Ontario Real Estate

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Prepare for your Section 4 Ontario real estate license with this free comprehensive practice exam. This exam covers key topics from section four of the Ontario Real Estate License Program.

#1. What should a salesperson do if a tenant has not signed a representation agreement?

#2. What should be the focus of rental property advertisements?

#3. What should a salesperson do if a property has an encroachment?

#4. What is a common issue found during home inspections?

#5. What must a landlord provide if they wish to enter the rental unit?

#6. How often must a reserve fund study be updated for a commercial condominium?

#7. How long does a tenant have to respond to an eviction notice for non-payment of rent?

#8. What is the function of a status certificate?

#9. What is the role of a mutual release in a real estate transaction?

#10. What is the role of curb appeal in selling a property?

#11. What is the first date to be identified in an offer plan?

#12. What is a zoning ordinance?

#13. What is the purpose of a shared facilities agreement?

#14. A new owner wants to install hardwood floors in their condominium unit. What should they check first?

#15. What should a tenant do if they receive an eviction notice?

#16. What is a primary characteristic of a commercial condominium?

#17. What can be included in the common elements of a condominium?

#18. How should a salesperson handle a landlord's request to exclude pets?

#19. How can market trends influence real estate negotiations?

#20. What should be done if the completion date is too early for the seller?

#21. How should a salesperson respond if a buyer finds a significant issue during the home inspection?

#22. What is the main purpose of a tenant fit-up?

#23. What is an appraisal contingency?

#24. Who is responsible for calling a turnover meeting in a commercial condominium?

#25. In what scenario can the board of directors make rule changes without owner approval?

#26. What is the primary purpose of the Condominium Authority Tribunal?

#27. Alex is buying a property and wants assurance that the appliances are in working order. Where should this be included?

#28. What is the main difference between commercial and residential condominiums in terms of governance?

#29. Who elects the board of directors in a commercial condominium?

#30. What should a salesperson disclose about previous renovations?

#31. What is required for an amendment to be valid?

#32. What should a salesperson do if a property is overpriced?

#33. When is a real estate transaction considered closed?

#34. In what situation can a landlord evict a tenant without notice?

#35. What must a declarant deliver within 60 days of the turnover meeting?

#36. What is included in a triple net lease?

#37. How long must brokerages retain documents for a successful transaction?

#38. What document outlines the specific rules and regulations of a condominium?

#39. A buyer's lawyer requests more time for the title search. What should the salesperson do?

#40. What is a key factor to consider when buying an investment property?

#41. What is the purpose of a New Owner Information Certificate (NOIC)?

#42. What must a salesperson ensure when preparing a lease agreement?

#43. Tom is leasing an industrial property and needs to ensure the building can support his heavy equipment. What should he check?

#44. Who elects the condominium board of directors?

#45. When must the balance due on closing be amended?

#46. What is a deed of trust?

#47. Who is responsible for insuring the common elements in a commercial condominium?

#48. What is a closing disclosure?

#49. What is the role of the board of directors in a condominium corporation?

#50. A new condominium owner wants to rent out their unit. What must they check first?



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